Confident Homeschool Foundations Program

A Confident Homeschool is where kids are motivated to learn, and Mom's life is in balance ...

The Confident Homeschool Foundations Program is a complete online audio & video program that teaches you how to . . .

  • Create a Place Where Kids Love to Learn ... who are motivated and enjoying learning moments and connecting time.
  • Balance Your Homeschool with Your Life ... take control of your schedule and feel peaceful and calm as you go throughout your day.

  • Design Curriculum That Works for YOUR Homeschool ... No one-size-fits all instructions. Just researched principles and helpful techniques you tailor to fit the needs of YOU and YOUR kids.

  • Build a Solid Foundation with Step-by-Step Principles ... I’m not going to throw a bunch of stuff at you and make you sort it out. You get real, useable content that is orderly and easy-to-use.


The Confident Homeschool Foundations Program is perfect for you if ...

  • You feel called to homeschool your children and want to create an environment that motivates them and inspires a love of learning.
  • You are determined to be a successful homeschool mom … and you feel like you’re just missing information that confident homeschool moms seem to know.
  • You want someone to simplify the process of finding balance in your life with doable steps . . .  and you’re “mom” gut tells you that you have the potential to have everything under control.
  • You are excited to dig into principles that you can adjust and tailor to meet the unique needs of YOUR family.
  • You are willing to do what it takes to help your kids learn and grow into their full potential … even if it means you have to sacrifice, learn, and grow to do it.

This program isn't just “nice ideas” but actually shows how homeschooling can work for YOU.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from homeschooling 4 children since 2003 (as well as reading hundreds of books, online articles and blog posts about homeschooling) and channeled it into a comprehensive, principle-based program that not only teaches you the fundamental theory behind all successful homeschools, but also how you can design YOUR ideal homeschool.

Yes, you’ll get proven principles that you can apply as you go along, but more importantly, you’ll get practical tips and techniques that you can start using right away in your homeschool.

What other homeschool moms are saying...

From Courtney (homeschool mom of 2):

This series is wonderful. I recommend it to all of my homeschooling friends who are just starting out. . . . I went from feeling overwhelmed and unsure to feeling confident, balanced and EXCITED to homeschool my children! Everything from picking the right curriculum for my kids to handling "naysayers" and implementing a work system are in here!

It's a homeschooling must-have. 


From Traci (homeschool mom of 3):

When I first heard about Confident Homeschool, I was a little bit skeptical. I thought, “There is sooo much information that I can find for free on the internet - why should I pay for this?” I am so glad that I did.

As a beginning homeschooler, I loved how ToriAnn walked me through the steps of the what, why, and how of starting out: creating a homeschool vision - something to keep me on track. . . . She went into more detail about how she has done things in her own home, why she chose what she chose, and examples of how she did things differently to tailor the learning to each child.

ToriAnn didn't just tell me what she did and expect me to go along with it. She gave many examples and even included additional resources so that I could try what I felt would work best for my family. 

If I had to do it all over again I would readily pay for all of the amazing information and insight that ToriAnn gave that I can listen to (and have listened to) over and over again.

What a fantastic wealth of information. 



7 Modules

Create a Homeschool Vision

You wouldn’t go on a trip without knowing the destination — so don't travel the huge homeschooling adventure with your kids without mapping where you want to end up!

Avoid Homeschool's 7 Common Pitfalls

Every homeschool mom has the potential to hit them — the 7 common pitfalls that can derail your entire homeschool. But you don’t have to!

  • Learn common pitfalls that are hiding just waiting to trip up your homeschool
  • Prepare yourself to sail confidently through your homeschool year (no matter what the weather!)
  • Skip years of painful learning with hard-won, expert homeschool-mom advice

Discover Your Kid's Personality & Learning Style

Each kid is unique — that means that what works for one homeschool mom isn’t necessarily going to work for another. If you match your teaching with who your kids are, their learning will be on the fast track to success!

  • Learn how to peek inside and know what makes your kids tick – easily answer the “what were they thinking question”
  • Uncover the individual personality and learning styles for each kid in your family
  • Completely tailor your homeschool to match the individual needs of your kids

Create a Learning Environment: Let's Play Together

Can learning be fun? Absolutely! Your home can be filled with days of fun and excitement -- and you can joyfully watch as the learning in your home skyrockets!

  • Learn how to create a learning environment that maximizes the desire to learn in your home
  • Prepare yourself to sail confidently through your homeschool year (no matter what the weather!)
  • Successfully draw the line of responsibility of learning between you and  your children (It actually makes LESS work for you!)
  • Identify the 5 key ways to introduce information that will inspire your kids to learn
  • Includes the massive bonus list “Engaging and Inspiring Learning Resources”

Plan & Record Keeping: Staying on Track

What are we doing today? …. Are my kids learning? …. Are we making any progress? … These stress and guilt questions can drag you down and eat you alive. Instead, be prepared with simple planning strategies that work for any homeschool.

  • Create a big-picture plan as well as the day-to-day details of your homeschool that ebbs and flows with your life
  • Discover easy ways to plan your homeschool that simplify your daily activities and maximize your efforts
  • Keep validating records that show what your kids are learning – even when you’re not teaching

Rethinking Rewards

Do rewards have a place in homeschool? When does a reward actually take away from learning and when can it push learning forward?

  • Discover the subtle but important distinction between a reward and a bribe
  • Use rewards as a “secret weapon” in your homeschool – without destroying your kids love to learn
  • Craft magical rewards that work again and again (without too much for you!)

Structure a Successful Homeschool Day

There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to structure your homeschool day, but there are basic elements that can make it go much more smoothly. And if you build a well-structured day, you’ll be able to balance your homeschool with the rest of your life.

  • Piece your homeschool day together like a puzzle – each piece fitting neatly in with the others
  • Decide whether you should delegate a job to free up your time OR work together to bond as a family
  • Turn work time into delightful “Mom, can we play the vacuum monster game again?” time
  • Draw the kids together to get them wild-eyed about the subjects that are most important to you
  • Teach information to multiple ages all at the same time
  • Inspire a love for ALL subjects – including math!
  • Avoid the feelings of doubt and fear that your kids are “behind”
  • Eliminate distractions that directly compete with real powerful learning
  • Create time for you – amid everything else – so you have the mental and physical energy to be the best homeschool mom you can be
Modules for this product 7
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